Who am I?

Seravera on Tinder and Eve on match.

My two (2) profiles on dating sites. Do you see my picture with my beautiful glasses on, or without glasses on on other dating sites, they are 100% fraud / scam product, and not made by me.

On February 8th 2025 I decided NOT to answer / reply anymore to anyone on Tinder nor match. The bad guys (it doesn’t matter who you are) have deleted my own messages in front of my own eyes when I was logged in on Tinder, and mixed with date and time on messages when I was logged in on match.

Do you get messages from me on Tinder or on match? it’s not from me. Always remember that.

I will let my two (2) profiles be on both Tinder and Match for the time being. Any changes regarding these profiles I will of course write here and NOT on my profiles.

I have seen too many fake profiles since May 2024 and I am fed up with how dating sites are being used to scam women all over the world. You cannot trust the so called verified profiles on those dating sites either. Unfortunately it’s there were we are today.

Do you want to know more about Romance Scam? Visit FBI’s web site. A link https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/scams-and-safety/common-frauds-and-scams/romance-scams
